Are we on Fire?

Hey there! It’s Gary from RV living life, and I’ve got a pretty interesting story to share with you all today. So, the other day, while driving around in our Jeep, my partner and I had a rather unexpected encounter. We pulled up to an intersection, minding our own business, when suddenly, we found ourselves engulfed in smoke. It was definitely a surreal moment, and needless to say, we were pretty puzzled about what was happening. But hey, why not join us as we dive into this strange experience and try to figure out if we were actually on fire or not?

As we sat there, waiting for the light to change, we noticed a bus pull up next to us. And that’s when the smoke started billowing out from its right side. Naturally, we couldn’t help but wonder if we were the cause of it or if it was the bus going up in flames. Curiosity got the best of us, so I cautiously moved our Jeep forward, just in case the bus was indeed on fire and we didn’t want to get caught up in it. Surprisingly, we saw the passengers beginning to evacuate through the front door of the bus, adding to the sense of urgency. But here’s the crazy part – even our Jeep’s hood started turning gray, and the dust was blowing off of it. It was quite the sight, let me tell you! Although we were unsure of what had truly transpired, one thing was for sure – we were relieved to discover that we weren’t the ones on fire. Phew! So, in the end, we realized this was a unique situation. But believe it or not, after some online research, we found out that incidents like this had occurred before. There was even a picture of a bus that had exploded, with white powder everywhere, caused by the bus fire suppression system misfiring. Who knew, right? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this video, and I wish you all a great day. Take care, everyone!

Are we on Fire?


Hey there! It’s me, Gary from RV Living Life. Today, I want to share a surprising encounter that my partner and I had during the week while driving around in our Jeep. It was quite an unexpected experience, filled with smoke, uncertainty, and confusion. Let me take you through the details and explain what happened.

A Surprising Encounter

Covered in Smoke

So, there we were, pulling up to an intersection, minding our own business. Suddenly, we found ourselves covered in smoke. It was an odd sight, to say the least. We couldn’t figure out where the smoke was coming from, whether it was our vehicle or the bus next to us. The first question that popped into our minds was, “Are we on fire?”

Uncertainty and Confusion

With a bit of caution, I inched our Jeep forward, just in case the bus was indeed on fire. The last thing we wanted was to get caught in the middle of a blazing inferno. As I looked closer, I noticed that people inside the bus were starting to evacuate through the passenger doors or the front exit. It was a strange and unsettling scene.

Observing the Situation

Approaching the Intersection

As we pulled away from the intersection, the smoke started to clear, revealing the aftermath of the incident. Our Jeep’s hood was covered in a gray residue, and the dust from the commotion was blowing off. It was quite a sight to see, and we still had no idea what had actually happened.

People Evacuating the Bus

From the inside of our car, we could see the smoke trailing along the side of the bus. To respect the privacy of the individuals involved, I blocked out the face of someone who had stuck their head out of the window. This person came back inside with white powder and a slightly disturbed expression. It was evident that they had been affected by whatever was happening outside. We were relieved to find out that we were not on fire, but the situation was still baffling.

The Aftermath

Gray Hood and Dust

After the incident, we were left with a gray hood and dust blowing off our car. It was a visual reminder of the unexpected and unsettling experience we had just gone through. We couldn’t help but wonder what had caused it and whether it was a common occurrence or an isolated incident.

Online Research

Curiosity got the better of us, so I took to the internet to find out more about similar situations. To my surprise, I discovered that events like these had indeed happened before. I came across a picture of a bus from the last year or two that had exploded, with white powder scattered everywhere. It turned out that the bus fire suppression system had been accidentally activated. This revelation shed some light on our own encounter and helped put things into perspective.

Similar Incidents

Exploding Bus Picture

The image I stumbled upon depicted a bus that had experienced a similar incident. The sight of the white powder scattered around was reminiscent of what we had witnessed. These unexpected events can be quite alarming, but it was somewhat comforting to know that we were not alone in going through such an experience.

Accidental Bus Fire Suppression System Activation

Further online research revealed that accidental activation of bus fire suppression systems is not unheard of. These systems are designed to quickly extinguish fires and protect passengers and the vehicle. However, malfunctions or false alarms can sometimes occur, triggering the release of fire-retardant substances. It was a relief to understand the possible cause behind the smoke and subsequent evacuation.

Reflecting on the Experience

Unique Situation

Our encounter at the intersection was undoubtedly a unique situation. It was not every day that we found ourselves surrounded by billowing smoke and witnessing the evacuation of a bus. The whole experience left us feeling a mixture of confusion, concern, and relief. It was a reminder of how quickly things can change and the importance of staying calm during unexpected events.

Awareness of Potential Risks

This incident also made us more aware of the potential risks and unexpected occurrences that can arise while on the road. We realized the importance of being alert and prepared for any situation, even if it seems unlikely. It’s essential to stay calm, assess the situation, and take appropriate action to ensure our safety and the safety of those around us.


In conclusion, the encounter we had at the intersection was certainly unexpected and left us with more questions than answers initially. It turned out that we were not on fire, but had experienced a situation where a bus had unintentionally activated its fire suppression system. While unique and unsettling, this incident served as a reminder to be aware of potential risks and stay prepared while on the road. Stay safe out there, and remember to stay calm and collected during unexpected situations. Take care, everyone! Bye for now.