How to wire two Victron Inverters In Split Phase and Parallel

In the video titled “How to wire two Victron Inverters In Split Phase and Parallel”, RVLivingLIFE shows us the process of wiring two Victron Inverters in a split phase and parallel setup for an RV. The installation involves adding a switch that allows for easy switching between the two setups. The video explains the basic wiring setup, power flow, and demonstrates how to wire the coach in split phase. By switching between parallel and split phase, one gains access to significantly more power and flexibility in terms of power usage.

In their RV, RVLivingLIFE installed a switch to quickly change their Victron Inverters from split phase to parallel setup. With this setup, they now have 800 amps of Lithium batteries and the ability to choose between parallel or split phase at will. The video provides a detailed explanation of the wiring diagrams, power distribution, and the advantages of the split phase setup. For those interested in understanding how coaches are wired with modern solar setups and ample power, this video is a valuable resource.

Split Phase Setup and Parallel Setup

How to wire two Victron Inverters In Split Phase and Parallel

Understanding Split Phase and Parallel Wiring

In order to wire two Victron Inverters in Split Phase and Parallel, it is important to understand the differences between these two wiring methods. Split Phase wiring involves dividing the power coming from a generator or shore power into two separate lines, each carrying 120 volts. This setup allows for a total of 240 volts and 100 amps of usable power, providing over three times the power compared to Parallel wiring. Parallel wiring, on the other hand, combines the power from both lines to create a single line with 120 volts and 50 amps.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Split Phase and Parallel Wiring

Both Split Phase and Parallel wiring have their own advantages and disadvantages. Split Phase wiring offers increased power output, making it ideal for running appliances and charging batteries. It provides a higher voltage and amperage, allowing for more flexibility in power usage. However, this setup requires changing settings in the Victron Inverter software to switch between 30 amp parallel and 50 amp split phase.

On the other hand, Parallel wiring allows for running on either 30 amp or 50 amp power without the need for software manipulation. It offers simplicity in setup and operation. However, it provides half the power compared to Split Phase wiring, limiting the available power for running multiple appliances simultaneously.

Wiring Setup in a Coach with Two Panels

To understand the wiring setup in a coach with two panels, it is important to visualize the power flow. In this setup, when plugged into a 50 amp power pole, there are two separate lines – the Red Line and the Black Line – each carrying 120 volts and 50 amps. The power is divided between these lines and flows through the transfer switch. Panel one is responsible for powering important appliances, while panel two is used for basic power needs when boondocking. The power flows from the inverter through panel one and then to panel two, supplying power to both panels. If not plugged into a power source, the inverter provides power from the 12-volt batteries.

Wiring Two Inverters in a Parallel System

To wire two inverters in a parallel system, the power from the generator or shore power is split between the two inverters. The red line, known as line one, supplies power to both inverters, while the black line is powered from the red line. This setup allows for a more balanced power distribution and simplifies the wiring process. The power from the inverters is then combined before reaching the panels, ensuring that both panels are powered. This parallel system provides flexibility in power usage and can be easily switched between 30 amp and 50 amp power.

Wiring the Coach in Split Phase

In a split phase wiring setup, the coach can be wired to switch between 30 amp parallel and 50 amp split phase. To achieve this, the coach is connected to the transfer switch, and the power flow is divided between two inverters. The red line supplies power to inverter one, known as line one, while the black line powers inverter two. The power from the inverters is then combined before reaching the panels, ensuring that both panels receive power. To switch between 30 amp parallel and 50 amp split phase, the settings in the Victron Inverter software need to be adjusted before plugging in.

Splitting and Combining Phases

Understanding how to split and combine phases is essential in wiring setups that involve Split Phase and Parallel wiring. When splitting phases, the power from a generator or shore power is divided into two separate lines, each carrying 120 volts. These lines can then be used independently or combined to create a higher voltage and amperage. Proper phase splitting ensures a balanced power distribution and prevents overload. Combining phases involves joining the divided lines back together to provide a continuous power flow to the panels.

Changing Settings in Victron Inverter Software

To switch between Split Phase and Parallel setups, it is necessary to change the settings in the Victron Inverter software. This software provides the ability to adjust the power output and configuration of the inverters. By accessing the software, users can switch between 30 amp parallel and 50 amp split phase setups. Step-by-step instructions should be followed to ensure correct settings are applied and to prevent any power-related issues.

Advantages of Split Phase Setup

One of the major advantages of a Split Phase setup is the increase in power output. With 240 volts and 100 amps of usable power, split between two inverters, this setup provides over double the power compared to Parallel wiring. The higher voltage and amperage allow for running multiple appliances simultaneously, making it ideal for those who require a higher power demand. Additionally, the Split Phase setup offers flexibility and convenience when selecting power sources.

Switching between 30 Amp and 50 Amp Plug

Switching between a 30 amp and 50 amp plug requires specific steps to ensure the correct configuration. By using the internet or reconfiguring the USB cable, the software manipulation allows for this switch. The process involves adjusting the settings in the Victron Inverter software before plugging in. This switch provides flexibility in power usage and allows for seamless transitions when changing power sources.

Overcoming Inconvenience of Limited Internet Access

In some parks, limited internet access can create inconvenience when switching between different power sources. However, there are alternative methods available to overcome this challenge. These methods include using offline configurations and manual switch settings. By utilizing these alternatives, users can still switch between Split Phase and Parallel setups without relying on internet access.


In conclusion, wiring two Victron Inverters in Split Phase and Parallel is a complex process but offers numerous advantages in terms of power output and flexibility. Understanding the basic diagrams and power flow is essential to ensure proper installation. Switching between different setups requires adjusting the settings in the Victron Inverter software, allowing for seamless transitions between 30 amp parallel and 50 amp split phase. The convenience and increased power of Split Phase wiring make it a favorable choice for those who require higher power demands. By following the step-by-step instructions and utilizing alternative methods, users can overcome challenges and enjoy the advantages of these wiring setups.

We installed a switch to quickly change our Victron Inverters from split phase to parallel setup. Here is how we did it.

Here is a link to the switch I used for this upgrade.

Below is the link to the video that shows how much more power you get from split Phase over Parallel. Its over 3 times the power!

• Two Victron Inverters, Why? | RV Livi…

Components used in our solar setup:

30 Amp Solar Breakers

80 AMP solar Breaker

Solar Power Cables on Roof

Solar Power Cables from Solar Charger to Batteries

Victron Cerbo GX

Victron GX Touch Display

Victron Battery Monitor

Victron Inverters

Victron Solar Charger

Renogy Batteries

4/0 Lugs



Hydraulic Crimping Tool

Round Cable Stripper

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